Kelli Underwood

T.I.I. Live Introduction

Are you or your clients feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or anxious? Are you ready to learn more effective coping strategies and relaxation techniques? In just two hours, you will discover how to tap into personal forms of support and learn how to effectively shift, settle, relax, gain insight, connect to wisdom and love at any moment on your own. 

Come experience T.I.I. and learn HOW to use it in your life today. Whether you are seeking support for yourself or you want to support others, in this introduction, you will understand what Transformative Insight Imagery is by experiencing it and practicing ways to incorporate it into everyday rituals.

T.I.I. Live Introduction: What is Transformative Insight Imagery 

We begin our T.I.I. experience by traveling to our own, personal place for relaxation and deeply connecting to this place through all of our senses. You will actually get to see, smell, hear, feel, and even taste your surroundings by connecting to your own unique and powerful resources. Each imager will have their own private imagery experience that they will learn how to incorporate into everyday life. 

You will also connect to the love and support of a wise guide/mentor and then actually meet your right and left brains while initiating a greater balance between the two. Imagers are frequently astonished at the visceral and creative resources that they discover! 

Attendees will strengthen these resources by imaging current situations and practicing accessing their resources, knowing HOW to integrate them into life immediately, relieving stress, anxiety, and uncertainty instantaneously! 

At the end of these two hours online/3 hours in person, you will be inspired, resourced, and ready for more transformation for one of the paths below:

For Self Healers: Once you have completed the T.I.I. Live Introduction, you will be able to continue practicing with Kelli in One-On-One Coaching, Healing Retreats, and practice sessions.  

For Healing Practitioners: Once you have completed the T.I.I. Live Introduction, you will be able to dive deeper into T.I.I. trainings, consultation groups, retreats, one-to- one coaching, and practice sessions. Click the button below if you're interested in learning more about how to use Transformative Insight Imagery in your practice and stay up-to-date on upcoming trainings.

What to Expect for an In Person Live Introduction: Live Introductions will be hosted in Durham, NC by Kelli at various locations. You will be emailed with directions once you sign-up. The in person T.I.I. Live Introductions are 3 hours instead of 2, so the price is $25 more.

What to Expect for an Online Introduction: Each imager will image privately as I facilitate the group. I love to see your faces, but I respect your decision to keep your camera off. I will often ask benign questions inviting those who are comfortable to share via chat, emoji, or verbally which are all optional. Hearing the diversity of discovered resources enhances the group experience.

*If you have experienced delusions, hallucinations or significant dissociative disorders, Transformative Insight and Imagery may not be a good fit for you. You should email Kelli at before registering.

To learn more about T.I.I. watch the video below and click HERE!

Count me in! I am ready to:

✔️ Discover amazing and powerful resources.

✔️ Connect to support and wisdom anytime I need it.

✔️ Experience relaxation and calm and practice visiting my relaxing place.

✔️ Feel empowered to effectively shift myself.

Choose one time slot below and be sure to notice which is offered in person in Durham, North Carolina or online. Not all are hybrid:

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T.I.I. Live Introduction

Total due $40

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