Restorative Justice Circle Experiences and Training
Restorative justice circles are an intervention becoming increasingly popular in schools, teams, and groups and organizations. Circles create a space of deep listening, respect, and equal opportunity for speaking, through the use of a talking piece. In circles, shared values and agreements are established and thoughtful questions are crafted to take the members deeper into their shared purpose. The structure of circle processes can strengthen relationships, repair conflicts, disrupt negative group dynamics, provide honest and open dialogue and ideas, generate greater empathy and understanding, and improve relational and emotion regulation skills. The foundational elements of circle processes originated from ancient, indigenous tribes and are shaped by the modern ways of the world.
Trained by renowned teacher, Kay Pranis, in Peace Making Circles, Kelli facilitates community building circles, healing circles, dialogue circles, problem solving circles, and social emotional skill building circles. Kelli facilitates transformative circles for schools, businesses, teams, communities, students and families. She also provides regular trainings for people to become skilled circle keepers.