What is Transformative Insight Imagery?

Transformative Insight Imagery is a healing technique that empowers the person imaging to trust their own experiences, resources and answers. In Transformative Insight Imagery every image comes from imager's own mind, unlike guided imagery.

Imaging is something we naturally do in our minds. Many professions rely on guided imaging, such as sports, physical therapy, art, theater, yoga, tai chi, to name a few. In T.I.I., imagers connect to their images with all five senses and recognize the positive impact the resources create.

Each imager discovers their own internal center, a place for replenishing and relaxing. They then learn how and when to connect to their center for support to shift everyday moments. Each resource an imager discovers builds different types of supports, such as wisdom, comfort, relaxation, balance, and strength that they carry within them and can access anytime.

T.I.I. is actually bridging our conscious mind with unconscious aspects of our mind, as if dreaming while you are awake, allowing an imager to access material that is often not readily available.

Once we have several powerful resources to support us, we are ready to for a deeper dive into Transformative Insight Imagery's 8 step process for deeper healing, where we have access to lived past events, unconscious material, our creative mind and our analytical mind.

Imagers who are co- facilitated through the 8 step process experience, release, and transform stuck emotions, blocking beliefs, or distressing events that have limited mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health and wholeness. Experiencing the 8 step process of T.I.I. creates enormous positive ripple effects into current life.

T.I.I. is a versatile, powerful, transferable tool that will propel your professional and personal growth. The process of doing T.I.I. empowers imagers that they have an abundance of trusted resources to face their fears and transform into their “best self.”

Participants consistently leave these workshops in awe of how transformative the work is and how immediately they can integrate it into their life.

Online and in person Transformative Insight Imagery trainings and retreats are available!

Which Training Track Is Right For Me?

Transformative Insight Imagery® trainings are offered in two healing tracks: for those who are looking to self heal and to those who provide healing to others. T.I.I. is a versatile, powerful, transferable tool that will expand and supplement your other techniques in exciting and creative ways.

Self Healers will complete Transformative Insight Imagery Online Introduction and then will be eligible for monthly Coffee With Kelli practice sessions, Healing Retreats, and one on one coaching sessions with Kelli. 

Trainings for Professional Healers and caregivers will focus more on developing co-facilitation skills for integrating TII professionally, while the healing retreats will focus on experiencing deep healing as an imager and integrating healing into current life. All T.I.I. trainings and retreats are experiential in nature, as we believe “learning by doing” expands our capacities.   

Participants consistently leave the all day workshops amazed and in awe of how transformative the work is and how immediately useful it is. “Worth every dollar,” “fantastic,” and “I can’t wait for the next workshop!” are frequent comments. 

Professional Healers

The Professional Healers track is designed for you if you are a counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, play therapist, art therapist, body worker or energy healer and are looking for a creative, versatile and powerful technique that provides balance and transformation for your clients.

You will gain confidence in co-facilitating with clients to help them to discover their own inner resources to provide them with the ability to emotionally regulate as well as gain clarity, calm and the ability to trust their own inner wisdom. By taking this course, you will build mastery in the art of co-facilitation with your clients and dive into deeper journeys of healing and transforming through the powerful 8 step process that you will learn in this course.

Teach Me How To Heal Others

T.I.I. For Yourself

The T.I.I. For Yourself track is designed for you if you are looking for ways to learn to relax, replenish, gain clarity and trust yourself more in order to be able to cope with life more effectively. In this course, you will discover your own personal retreat place to be able to relax and reconnect with yourself through the love and support of your inner mentor.

In T.I.I. all images come from you, the imager. You will be surprised by the deep seated, creative and intuitive resources that appear to you during this journey of healing yourself. During the course, you will practice accessing your inner resources by imaging current situations so that at the end of this course, you will be able to integrate these resources into your life right away.

Teach Me How To Heal Myself

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