Why Transformative Insight Imagery? 

When we’re overwhelmed, fearful, stuck, or uncertain, we disconnect from others and ourselves, our joy and vibrance diminish. Transformative Insight Imagery is an empowering and affordable pathway for improved clarity, presence, emotional regulation, and confidence, where our authentic, highest self leads the way forward.

What is Transformative Insight Imagery? 

  • In Transformative Insight Imagery (T.I.I.), all imaging experiences come from YOU, the imager, using all five of your senses, while awake and aware.  You will discover what is supportive to YOU and you may be surprised by what appears.  So, T.I.I. is not guided imagery, visualization, or hypnosis. 
  • First, you discover multiple types of supports, or resources, from your unique history. Then you learn how to access these supports any time in your current life to support more moments of peace, clarity, and balance.
  • Once you have discovered your trusted resources and are accessing them into daily life, you are ready for a full T.I.I. adventure, for deeper transformation and healing. Journey into T.I.I.’s  8 step process where a partner co-facilitates you, by encouraging you and empowering you to do what YOU need to do. The possibilities of where you will go and what you will do are endless.  YOU, the imager, are in charge and with your trusted supports you can gain new insights, release stuck beliefs and held emotions, free a younger part of yourself, transform past events that limit you and integrate all of this into the present!  Experience the positive ripple effects in your mood, relationships, awareness, choices, and self-confidence.
  1. Take the first step and discover YOUR supportive resources and begin using them NOW! Join a live T.I.I. Introduction, or download the recorded introduction. Peace, wisdom and greater balance await you!
  2. Join our thirty minute resourcing practice sessions online
  3. Ready for transformation? Register for a healing retreat where you will deepen your ability to access your resources and experience two T.I.I. partnered experiences. Plus, our healing retreats offer diverse options for break out sessions, such as yoga, sound bathing.
  4. Continue your healing journey by joining our partnered journey sessions for 1 hour or our resourcing sessions for 30 minutes.
  5. If you are in a healing profession, you are encouraged to attend a training on how to integrate TII skillfully into your work, after the healing retreat.

Benefits of T.I.I.:

  • Decrease stress and anxiety by using resources.
  • New insights about yourself.
  • Enhanced  self- trust
  • Increased body awareness
  • Greater connection between mind, body & emotions
  • Use T.I.I. resources independently and immediately for creating remarkable shifts in your current life.
  • Regulate emotions more effectively 
  • Heal traumatic experiences, blocking beliefs, and fears.

Who is it for?

  • Anyone who desires tools that can implement successfully and immediately into their life.
  • Anyone seeking self improvement, self awareness, and healing.
  • Anyone 18 and older for attending the group experiences. 

Who is it NOT for?

If you have experienced delusions, hallucinations or significant dissociative disorders, Transformative Insight and Imagery may not be a good fit for you.

***Participants must attend the following offerings in the order listed.   


Transformative Insight Imagery

Live Introduction

Experience Transformative Insight Imagery's supportive resources and learn HOW to use them in your life today! 

In the Live Introduction you will discover your personal and unique T.I.I. resources for relaxation, wisdom, and greater balance in your life. After discovering each T.I.I. supportive resource, you will practice how to access them and shift any challenging moment in your daily life instantaneously! All imaging experiences come from YOU, the imager, using all five of your senses while awake and alert, unlike guided imagery and visualization. T.I.I. is empowering, as you learn to trust your resources and gain mastery in accessing them independently. Each participant will have their own private experience and sharing is optional. Discovering and developing your supportive resources is the pre-requisite to experiencing a full journey for deeper healing and transformation.

Once you have completed the T.I.I. Introduction, you will be able to continue practicing with Kelli in One-On-One Coaching, Healing Retreats, and practice sessions.

2 hours online/3 hours in person

Open to anyone over the age of 18

Cost $40 Online/$65 in Person

Learn More Here 

Transformative Insight Imagery Online Course

Transformative Insight Imagery

*Pre-recorded* Online Introduction

Can't make it to one of our Live Introductions? We have now a pre-recorded Online Introduction course, broken down into 4 lessons for you to go at your own pace. 

Once you have completed the course, you will be inspired, resourced, and ready for more transformation for one of the paths below:

Two Paths

 Open to anyone over the age of 18

Cost $40

Learn More Here


T.I.I. Journeying, Partnered Experience

This one hour partnered journeying experience is open to anyone who has attended a T.I.I. training, retreat, or one to one session with a T.I.I. trained co-facilitator. Partnered journeys provide opportunities to practice co-facilitation skills and imaging for insight, transformation and self-healing.

1 hour online

Cost $10

Learn More Here


T.I.I. Resourcing Practice

If you have previously completed Transformative Insight Imagery Online Introduction, you are invited to join us online for a 30 minute practice session with Kelli to continue strengthening and expanding your amazing T.I.I. resources.

30 minutes online

Cost $5

Learn More Here


Transformative Insight Imagery Retreat  

In this two day healing retreat, you will strengthen your inner resources from Transformative Insight Imagery Online Introduction, discover additional supportive resources, and journey into deeper healing. Transformative Insight Imagery’s 8 step process is a safe, empowering, insightful, and transformative experience!

You will choose an area of the body to bring healing to and will re-connect to a lost part of yourself as well as how to witness and support a partner in their imagery experience.

You will decide how much to share with the group and where to go in your imagery experiences. The process of doing T.I.I. teaches you to trust yourself and gain mastery in integrating T.I.I. effectively into your life!

2 day retreat (open to anyone who has completed the T.I.I. Online Introduction)

Get More Information About Upcoming Retreats



Healing Retreat Weekend Part 2  

Building on T.I.I. Healing Retreat Part 1, imagers travel on more adventures towards wholeness, healing, self -trust while expanding their supportive resources within! Part 2 offers a holographic experience of being a unique individual and  connected to the community. Imagers often have moving spiritual experiences/ higher consciousness that align with their individual beliefs, and gain clarity on how to integrate greater wholeness and awakening into their life.

2 day retreat (open to anyone who has completed the T.I.I. Online Introduction)

No CE's offered.

Want to discover your inner resources?

Get started now.

Purchase the T.I.I. Scripts & Audio of T.I.I. HERE

Apply for a Scholarship!  

Transformative Insight Imagery Scholarship Forms For Healing Yourself

Scholarships are offered in tribute to the life and career of Dr. Charlotte Smith, creator of Transformative Insight Imagery.  Charlotte was a loving, truthful, kind, wise, therapist, teacher, friend and mentor to many. Everyone who met her was deeply moved by her unconditional love and acceptance and her awakened consciousness. In Charlotte’s final years, she wished for T.I.I. to go out to the world and was sensitive to T.I.I. reaching marginalized individuals and groups. To continue Charlotte’s legacy, we are seeking healing practitioners who are passionate about T.I.I., intend to touch lives by introducing T.I.I., and demonstrate financial hardship that prevent them from attending the trainings otherwise. 

Send an email to Kelli@KelliUnderwood.com with the subject, “T.I.I. Scholarship Application” and include: 

  1. Your letter of intention. Please include in your letter:
    • Share briefly about yourself.
    • Share your motivation for attending the Transformative Insight Imagery trainings.
    • Your vision of how you will refer individuals, groups, and communities to T.I.I. Please share any marginalized groups or individuals you can connect to T.I.I. 
  1. Scan and email your most recently signed copy of tax returns.
  2. Submit two reference letters. Please identify two people (not a spouse/partner or close relative) to provide an accurate assessment of your readiness for Transformative Insight Imagery.

Please have your references answer the following questions:

  • How long and to what capacity have you known this applicant?
  • How would you gauge the applicant’s capacity for commitment to T.I.I. retreats? 
  • Kelli Underwood

    “TII is magic. More than once, I've come to Kelli in a state of anxiety, feeling ready to crawl out of my skin. As we begin to walk through imaging, the inner voice in my head always pops up in a critical voice to tell me that there’s no way to get out of these feelings and that it’s futile to try. And yet, each time, I feel myself relaxing deeper and deeper as the imaging continues. All of my senses are involved and I’m creating the images somewhere deep inside my brain and the sensations flow throughout my body. I have found safety, calm, quiet, resilience, confidence, and a deeper inner knowing of my own power through this work. For me, my anxiety has a huge physical component and TII has helped me calm my entire nervous system to where my whole body responds and relaxes. It feels like a miracle and to know that I can harness this power anytime I want, at any moment, seems like an unfathomable gift. I recommend to TII to literally everyone. We all need this level of safety and healing in our own bodies.”

    Clarity Director, Masters in Clarity

  • Kelli Underwood

    “T.I.I. was such a refreshing experience! I love being able to tap back in whenever I am feeling stressed. ”

    CEO, Mkokopelli

  • Kelli Underwood

    “TII has been a powerful tool to help clients access their deeper, wiser selves more quickly and to build internal resources each session. It empowers clients to shift the way they are holding “energy “ and to transform it to something that is healing and immediately useful in their lives! T.I.I.’s intuitive 8 step process has promoted healing and lasting growth in so many ways. I love this work and highly recommend it. I love this work and highly recommend it!”

    M.Ed., LCMHC, NCC